JB’s Log 09/03

Been a bit lax with the log for the past week because I’ve been deloading and it has been thoroughly boring for me to do, let alone for you all to read.

Basically I just worked up to my openers last week, and then later in the week just did my warm ups.

Train hard + drop in volume for a week = big numbers in your lifts (hopefully!)

Anyway, I did my testing on Monday and I was VERY happy with my numbers:

I managed to hit @ 82.9kg (0.1kg below my weight class limit):

Squat: 200/212.5/220 (+2.5kg PB)
Bench: 140/145/150 (+7.5kg PB)
Deadlift: 200/212.5/220 (+2.5kg PB)

For a 575kg total (+27.5kg PB total)

(PBs in bold)

Here’s the vid of the ‘meet’:

Call me vain, but my next goal is to get a little leaner so will be doing a mini cut whilst trying to maintain my strength as much as possible for my next powerlifting competition at the end of April.

Adjusted my macros in light of this so am currently doing:
3632 kcal (a ~400kcal deficit)
183g protein
476g carbohydrate
111g fat

Here’s to new goals!


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